Spider-woman: Male to female transformation | Tg Tf story

 Jake, the man of derring-do, was a thrill-seeker who looked for her kicks in the most improbable places. On one of these nights, he made his way into an old study on the edge of town, which was said to be the place where some strange experiments were conducted. 

A sudden severe pain in his hand that took him by surprise as he was looking down to see his blood running from the place where the spider bit him, and a spider was already flying on the floor. His hand was getting larger from the pain that was going up it was already corresponding to the spider bite. 

Nonetheless, he looked down and saw a spider running off from him. Also, he noted that his hand was already stinging everywhere the spider had bitten him.Jake saw his body start to change over the next couple of days. He found himself looking at the face that showed a very annoying change of features such as: softer lines, a skinnier face, and a subtle change of something turning him to another person he had never recognized before.

Dismay was Jake's reaction when he noticed that his leaning and his voice were becoming weaker, and also his skin was so smooth that at one time, it hurt Jane when she tried to touch it.Jake initially tried to prevent the changes but they continued. He was transformed into a woman, a woman that had curves with a face that differed slightly from his former self.

She found out about the laboratory's genetic modifications to the first self DNA, which made a person similar to the spider. By biting the serum that was hidden, the bite had the power to transform the DNA of Jake so that it was rewritten.It was challenging for her to become accustomed to her new life. Jane had to learn the way to guide herself in a world where she was actually seen as she did not expect to be seen before. 

However, she looked at her new transience as a refreshing opening that called her to her new identity. The metamorphosis has equipped her with elasticity in the face of change, and subsequently Jane appeared as not only a new person but also a stronger, more steadfast individual that was good to go through everything that was coming her way.